Webcrunch Social Media Posting Services

Social media activity shows google you are still working. Webcrunch Social Media Posting Services does this for you.

Our social media platform management packages are the most cost effective way to get infront of more customers. Simple!

Almost overnight social media optimisation has become one of the most important things that can make or break your web site google ranking.

Google now uses the social media platforms to see if you are a valid and working service or company.

Prices from £69 per month – You can’t afford to miss miss this opportunity

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Webcrunch Social Media Posting Services
Webcrunch Social Media Posting Services

The reason is simple. Google needs to know if websites are active. Over half a million new web sites come onto the web every day! Google needs to know if you are still working. So you need to prove you exist for Google to rank you.

It needs to know this because it makes it’s money by the adverts it sells. This is how google makes money, selling adverts.

The problem Google has is that if people use the search engine to find something and then clicks on a dead or not good link, people may go and use another search engine instead.

This means that google won’t have a chance to show it’s paid for adverts to people while they are surfing the net.

No surfers, no advert income! I can fix that for you!

So the latest google algorithm included several methods of finding out if a website (and so a business) is working. The main one being social media.

Social media needs constant updating

This starts at your google My Business account. If that is not optimised and updated at least once a week you won’t show in the local results.

So you won’t get clicked on. This tells google that you are not current, and so you get pushed further down the list, and forgotton more.

It is now imperative to keep your social media platforms up to date and posting multiple times per week. If you want google to rank your web site high enough for people to see it.

Webcrunch Social Media Posting Services will do this for you.

We can do this for you. You have enough to do without worrying about sales and google!

Website seo by Webcrunch

Webcrunch Social Media Posting Services & SEO

But your website needs to be up to scratch too. It’s a matter of seconds before a website visitor chooses to leave or stay.

Google says the overall user experience of your website should be the very first thing you focus on when thinking about attracting people to your web site.

Why? Well because the other thing in google latest algorithm is all about user experience. Gone are the days when people liked playing around with sliders and bells and whistles on your web site.

That was fine at the start of the internet proper in the 90’s. Now days people need accurate information, fast. Google knows this and has adjusted itself accordingly.

This is where local seo comes in.

Your website needs to load fast and be found exactly for what the searcher is looking for. So the search engines have made speed and ease of use a top priority.

If your site loads a millisecond slower than your rival, and everything else is equal, you will show below them in the search results. Who will they click on?

We are here to help make your web site accessible, easy to use and profitable for you.

After speed, continually adding quality content to your website is the key to generating growth in your website traffic. We take care of that too.

Webcrunch is a local company serving Doncaster – And the rest of the world!

Prices for our services are always on the wbsite. Have a look at Prices for Website SEO and Social media management in Doncaster


Contact me today for a chat!https://www.instagram.com/web.crunch/https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRpCumCDSyrvcldzD_x2rvA



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