How to grow your small business on Instagram

So, you want to how to grow your small business on Instagram. These few tips will really help to put you in front of billions of people.

How to grow your small business on Instagram
How to grow your small business on Instagram

Did you know that Instagram has 1.6 BILLION users in 2022? With Instagram gaining more and more popularity every year, it’s becoming harder to stay at the top.

And it’s become harder to break into getting good growth on your account.

All you need to do is scroll down to get three tips on how to grow your business on Instagram.

How to grow your Instagram bio

The first thing you want to do is optimise your Instagram bio. You should change your account (if you haven’t done already) into a business account.

Changing your account into a business account is easy and provides Insights. You’ll need those insights to know what your followers or potential customers enjoy the most.

The next step is to look at your bio description. Try and cover your content feed so you can’t see it. Is your bio description strong enough to stand on its own? What I mean by this is that your bio needs to be to the point and clear.

 Does it accurately sum up your business, and the problems it solves? Is there a reason explained briefly as to why you’re different that your competitors? Is there a link to your website, or a link to somewhere they can book you in?

Make your Instagram attractive

Decorate your bio with emojis! Emojis are brilliant at attracting a user’s gaze to your bio description. And that bio description is now full of rich and quick information – and that vital link you’ve added.

 The last big step to optimising your bio is to use an advantageous profile picture. Instagram users are always competing at catching viewer’s eyes – so your profile picture needs to stand out.

And more importantly, have something to do with your business.

Some people use their logo. Others, who have more of a personal brand, use their faces. The key here is to have elements in your profile picture that make it pop, especially while users are scrolling.

This can be done by including bright and vivid colours. Faces also attract the user more often. In the end, you should include your branding, whether it is you or a specific colour palette.

Will more photos on Instagram help me?

Yes, is the short answer. This may seem like an obvious one, but there’s a reason it’s in here. The fact is that during the trials of everyday life, you may want to quickly upload a picture that’s okay, because your time is limited.

And we understand that you’re bound to get caught up in other things to do.

Will more photos on Instagram help me?
Will more photos on Instagram help me?

But having better quality images shows that you aim for quality in your own business. And clients will be looking for value.

See our price list for social media posting services

Nevertheless, it can be easy to get stuck on what to post. So that’s why writing down a few post ideas will serve your Instagram business immensely.

Not only can you rotate between these post ideas, but your followers will enjoy the habitual posts.

For example, what if you had a business specialising in cat grooming? You’d write down ideas such as a regular grooming video, an anecdote of that day or week’s work, or a before and after video.

Add Interseting text to your Instagram posts

Your posts as well as being high quality also can be edited to be more professional. The last thing you want is a picture and no idea what you’re doing while trying to edit it.

This way, your photo may accidentally look completely different to the original post and might be seen as fraud.

Thankfully for all of us, photo editing isn’t rocket science. Just a few changes and you’re set. And it might just give you a more professional edge to your small business.

Lastly, you want your content feed to look on-brand. Your followers don’t want to look at a messy feed. Especially since Instagram is so visually focused!

Try staying to a colour palette, or as I said earlier, sticking to a few post ideas.

How to make people find your Instagram – Share

Nobody is going to find you if your profile isn’t being put out there. And it’s actually one of the biggest reasons why your profile may not be getting many views.

Not enough exposure can make the following process longer than it must. So, let’s change that.

Don’t be afraid to let hashtags slip into your post. It isn’t bad to look at and can provide excellent exposure to your account.

How to improve your Instagram bio
How to improve your Instagram bio

 Trust me that everyone is used to hashtags on Instagram by now. And it shouldn’t be seen as bad to use them.

I recommend researching which hashtags work best, and ones that overlap with your business.

Another popular and easier way to gain some followers is by word of mouth. This means telling your family and friends to help spread the word.

And so, your small business will continue through a continuous train of people. And those people are all potential customers. Contact me for more information.

Sharing your Instagram account through other accounts you have works too. Having a link to your Instagram on your Facebook, twitter and more accounts can benefit you.

It will boost your chances of gaining followers, and those that are not even on your platform.

These may require a lot of work, as growing your account takes patience. But for your small business, these can help you.

Get found on Instagram – Grow you business for free!

And those are my tips for you. So now you know how to grow your small business on Instagram. Today I showed you how to grow your small business on Instagram.

All you must do is apply these tips to your account, and you’re away!

Thank you for listening to these tips today. I hope that these tips will help your account achieve maximum potential.

And if you’re looking for more, check out the rest of webcrunch, because we have so much more to offer. Good luck, and all the best from us.

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