Visitors site map

This is the Visitors site map for Webcrunch. We specialise in social media management and Website SEO. The new google algorithm due out in May 2021 is a major shake up.

One of the most important things to change is that Google will now be using social media signals to see if you are still alive and working.

The article ‘the importance of social media posting’ explains how this takes away your choice of whether to post regularly on the main social media platforms if you want your web site to continue to rank.

If you website is not ranking very well at the moment, it gives you the change to get ahead of your competitors in the google rankings. 

These need to be around three posts per week and with new fresh content each time. You don’t have time for that if you want to be busy selling and doing stuff!

Webcrunch will do it for you. We have budgets from just £20 for your GMB listings to full blown campaigns. Contact us now for more information.

WE hope you find this Visitors site map helpful.

Click on any of the articles below to find out more.

About us



Social media management in Doncaster

Why should I use TikTok for small business in 2022

Should I post Long or Short content

Social Media VS Website for small business

How to get local growth on Instagram

Which social media is best for small businesses

How to BOOST your Instagram Reels reach

How to grow your small business on Instagram

Privacy & Cookie policy

Webcrunch social media pricing

Contact us

The importance of social media posting

The new Google update 2021

PYE (prove you exist)

Webcrunch Videos Social Media & SEO


Contact me today for a chat!


Visitors site map
Visitors site map
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