The new Google update May 2021

Updated August 2022

Last year I said the the new Google update May 2021 will be the biggest and the most important google update for many years.

I was right, and naturally, I prepared all of my clients websites for that Google update.

Many people were hurt a lot last year, and are still feeling the consequences of that update. But there was no need for it.

Google had pretty much told us to get into shape or lose search rankings!

These algorithmic changes effected millions of websites. But as i said at the time, it was needed!

Google has had enough of low quality websites giving poor user experience to people using it’s search engine. And quite frankly, so had I.

Spammy websites using black hat SEO techniques were ruining the internet.

Slow loading speeds, buttons moving about all over the place causing searchers to press the wrong one. Then taking them to all sorts of unwanted places.

And thin useless content that is of no real use to the searcher.

Google had had enough. It wanted it’s customers to have a great user experience using the Google search engine. This is not the case with millions of web sites.

Well they got their comeuppance and got whacked 🙂

And it was about time too. How fed up were you of waiting for a web site to load and when it did it jumped about all over the screen?

Google had called time on all this. The new google page experience update sent the rubbish to the bottom and the good web sites closer to the top.

About the Google page experience update May 2021

To get right to the point the new google update May 2021 consisted of three main core vitals and one surprise extra that will change the way web masters work. Or their web sites will drop out of sight.

Firstly it’s load speed. This has become very important over the years and web sites are now measured by how long your web site loads on a mobile phone. Slow loading? Goodbye.

Number two. Interactivity. Interactivity is measured from when the searcher first does something to interact with the web page.

Such as pressing a button or clicking a link, to when the browser starts to respond to that activity. In other words, too slow and it’s all over.

The third is visual stability. This measures the amount of time it takes for the page to settle down enough for the user to actually read or interact with the page properly.

It’s about that frustrating time when the text and buttons on a page move about all over the place. It’s annoying, Google knows it, and it’s going.

Your local SEO agency will sort this out for you. Making your business rank in the Google serch results.

Was the new Google update May 2021 harsh?

It may have seemed harsh but it was the perfect opportunity for you to get ahead of the competition. Most small businesses with a web site will have the web site made.

Add a few pages in the first six months and then pretty much forget about it.

Google wanted quality. It wanted people to keep their web site current and interesting. It needs to load fast and not jiggle about, but that should be a given if it’s be constructed properly in the first place.

Perfect, now all you need to do is score just a point better on Googles 200+ check list and that search position is now yours. I can do that for you.

Better than that, you just need to do a little from time to time to crawl your way to the top of Google.

Find a copywriter for your articles

This does not mean that you need to spend hours thinking up reams of pages of fresh content. After all, you need to be free to make your products or sell your services.

No, the thing to do is to get a copywriter to write those pages for you.

But the thing to remember here is that just because someone is fantastic at writing stories, it’s doesn’t follow that they will be able to write content that Google deems to be good.

Why is this? Well google uses several factors to determine if an article is up to the standards that it wants to promote. It’s not the same as a magazine article. Not by a long way.

Google uses a very advanced symantec analysing formula. The reason for this is that the Google search engine is built around the way pages of content are written.

It’s an in depth subject, and I will write a page on it one day. But for the purpose of this article, you just need to understand that Google wants content written in a certain way, for a certain level of comprehension and at a certain length.

A search engine specialist copy writer can do this for you. Prices vary, expensive is not always good though. Our copywriting prices are here.

PYE – Prove You Exist

Paul Watchorn put a name to this part of the Google algorithm in 2020. It’s sums up what google needs to do to understand which web sites are working and those that are not.

The biggest complaint Google gets in terms of bad user experience is when a person searches google, clicks on a web site and it’s not there or it’s been hacked and is showing inappropriate content.

This has been a pain for Google for many years. Up until now Google would count links from trusted web sites to other web sites and surmise that the web site being liked to must be a good one.

Clearly this had it’s limitations. That link is put there once and forgotten in most cases. But it was all they had.

Now they are harnessing the power of the social media platforms, and it’s not costing them a penny! It’s simple really. Every business will have social media platforms.

It’s a must these days. But the thing is, if that company or service stops trading or just has a break. It’s unlikely that they will post on their social media platforms such as facebook, Instagram and the like.

Importantly, the surprise that nobody is talking about is that in the future you will need prove to Google that you exist. Your web site will feel the effects if you don’t. Webcrunch can help you with this.

Remember, Google makes it’s money by selling advertising space. It shows these adverts to searchers like us when we are Googling.

Google knows that if people keep clicking on bad web sites, they will just go and use another search engine. That hits them in the pocket from the loss of paying advertisers.

So remember PYE – Prove You Exist.

Post three times a week on all of your social media platforms with fresh content.

Again, you may feel that your time is best spent making or selling your service or product. If that is the case, we can do that for you. Our social media posting price list is here.

What does PYE mean in SEO and social media.

PYE means ‘Prove You Exist’. This phrase was coined by Paul Watchorn an English SEO expert in 2020. When he was talking about the new Google update May 2021.
This has become the accepted phrase when referring to the new way Google will monitor if companies and services are still active.

In conclusion, find out more about us or look at our facebook page webcrunch will help you take control me today for a chat!



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